Thursday, June 27, 2013

So you want the world to change

You have a lofty and respectable goal. Where do you start, though? Where does it begin? How will you know when you've done it? Change isn't easy for anyone, but it can be done. The best part is you can do it; in fact, you're the ONLY one who can. We all want the world to change, but we're all at least a little afraid of doing it wrong. Don't be. You're not ready to change the world, just yet, and that's okay. We're all naive, and we all make mistakes, the trick is moving past them.

In the most simplified way I could, I've put together what makes change for me, and why I am driven to do what I am going to do with my life.

   1. Changing the world always starts with one.

You've heard the quote, "be the change you want to see in the world," but enacting this can be difficult. Start by writing out what is important to you. If it helps, think of it as if you were describing the perfect person with whom to be stuck on a desert island. As an example, this is what I have:

  • Integrity: the strength and willpower to stay honest with oneself and others no matter the situation.
  • Creativity: the fearlessness to let the sparks of your mind fly and follow the flames where they catch.
  • Positivity: the ability to see a mistake as a learning experience and an accident as an opportunity.
  • Focus: the work ethic and forward thinking to stick to what you believe in and follow your ideas through.
  • Willpower: the power to overcome oneself and do what needs to be done no matter the obstacles.

Now you've built the engine that's going to drive you to your goals. Keep the list as a manual for that engine, because it will need tune-ups every now and again. I listed integrity first on mine, because in my life, I have found that to be the most important. It is literally the best way to dodge worries. When you know that people expect your words to be exactly what they are, you are no longer chained up to the fear of what they are thinking of you.

   2. For what will the world have you to thank?

Now that you've changed your actions and felt the change in yourself, you're most of the way there. Your engine is built, and that's probably the hardest part of all of this. Now what you have to do is find what makes you passionate. What makes you go? What makes you forget the world around you and time itself when you're thinking about it? For myself, that ended up being change in and of itself. Finding ways to better myself and live a happy, successful life. For you, it could be as foreign a concept as the death of Betelgeuse, or you may already know what that is. Now you pour your soul into it.

Let the fear of failure go, let the fear of debt and poverty go, let the fear of ridicule go. Just go do it. If you're posting on the internet for all to see, let the fear of trolls' and aggravators' comments go. No matter what you do, you're going to get those people, they don't matter. In the immortal words of Dr. Seuss "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." No matter what your passion, even if it's taking pictures of dogs taking baths in treetops, there are people out there that will get excited and want to help you.

All you have to do is find out what the rest of your life will be best spent doing and do it. That's your fuel, that's what you're putting in your engine to reach more people and ultimately, the height of your goals.

   3. You're doing what you love, but what now?

Just keep doing it. No matter how much crap gets flung at you, no matter how hurt you get sometimes, just keep doing it. Never let others take your joy from you. At the very least, right now, you have followers and you have happiness. Enjoy the ride! It could go anywhere from here, so drop your expectations and stay ready for anything. If things start looking bad, don't fight it, just go with the flow until you see the light again. I can assure you, as long as you are alive, things can and will get better. Especially if you're counting on them to.

I'm not sure if I heard this somewhere or came up with it, myself, but the quote I live by is, "Don't chase money as if it would bring you happiness, chase happiness as if it would bring you money." You won't always end up with money at the end, but if you are focused on the happiness, you've won either way. Keep showing people what makes you happy, keep sharing the most important parts of yourself, keep putting fuel in your engine and driving forward, and you will find the change in the world you were looking for, in the first place, which brings us to the last point.

   4. How will you know when you've done it?

For most of us, there will never be a "defining moment" to know where we have changed the world. Unless you've made billions doing it, it's unlikely someone's going to kiss your behind and thank you for changing the world. That's okay, though. When you've made it to this point, you won't be looking for thanks. You won't expect gratitude from the world, because you don't need it. You have built a life around yourself with good people who share your ideals, you've sought and found what makes you happy, and you're doing it. So, again, just keep doing it.

Just keep being the best you that you can be, because you're awesome, so take credit for it.

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