Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Change the world, because you're the only one who can.

I thought I'd bring something up I mentioned in my first post, this week; the fact that you're the only one who can change the world. Being unemployed has left me finding it very difficult to keep successful habits and attitudes up, but I reminded myself today why it is I continue to breathe. I want to change the world. It wasn't until I remembered why I'm doing what I'm doing that I was able to grab that motivation back and get to the things that needed doing.

I'm the only person who can see my vision of the future the way I see it. It's as simple as that. I have a view of what can heal and change the world, which I will share in due time, and only I can enact the steps to make that happen in an effective and meaningful way. I could wait for someone else to do it, but I'd never be satisfied with that, I will always look at what they've made or changed and see another change that needs to be made.

There are a lot of reasons it is important to always remember this, but I'll cover the major reasons.

1. A dream is a journey, not a destination.

Much like success, your dreams are a process, a journey, not a destination where you can kick back and ignore the world. Your dreams are an expression of you, of who you are and what you believe in, so even if someone makes or does something extremely close to what you'd dreamed of, it's not yours. That sounds obvious, right? To you, it's clearly not yours, but what would other people think of yours? If you know why you're the only one doing what you do, they will, too.

Don't muddle yourself down with thoughts that someone else could do it better, because they won't. Strengthen yourself, your ideals, and your beliefs by encouraging yourself to continue on grounds that if you don't, it won't get done. You have something special to give to the world and if you don't do it, no one will. Do this because even if your initial progress looks preconceived and overdone, as you continue to pour yourself into your dreams, the result is your dreams will reflect you and your beliefs more and more. That is what people latch onto, people who follow their passion and see it through no matter what is going on around them. That is how you start a movement.

2. As you change, so will your dream.

As you grow with your dream, as you fan the flames with your positive attitude and hard work, you will change for the better. As you change, so will your dream, so what then? Does that invalidate all the work you've put in? No, not at all. That validates your work in every conceivable way, and the fact that you are active in presenting your dreams to the world means you get to change them. You guide your dreams, and over time, you will develop, focus, and change them and that is beautiful.

3. Only you see from your perspective.

It's not difficult to explain yourself from your point of view. People, as a whole, are compassionate, empathetic beings who have the ability to put themselves in another person's shoes. The trick is that most won't unless presented with your point of view. Everyone has a unique perspective in the world, including you, but many of them could see what you see if you share it with them. Whether your strengths of communication lie in art, mathematics, computers, or science, you can share your perspective and like-minded people will join in the conversation, but you have to start the conversation.

Only you can use the unique perspective you have to change things, to better things, in your area, in your state or country, or even the world. Only you can use that perspective to change people, to change habits and minds for the better, so if that's what you want to do with your life, just go and do it. There are millions of people out there who are changing the world, but we need all the help we can get. The more perspectives, the more minds in on the global picture, the clearer it becomes what the real problems are and what we can do to change them. Not every part of the picture is right, but every part of the picture is essential in displaying the human condition.

Represent yourself and all that has shaped you by willing yourself to follow your dreams.

4. No one is born a leader or a follower.

Everyone is "naturally" good at leading. Leading doesn't take any particular skills, it only takes passion and confidence. If you believe in yourself and why you do what you do, you will inspire others to believe in you and your mission, as well. It is important not only to spread the word of your mission and what you have accomplished for it, but to reinforce you and your creativity. The trouble is often that when money gets involved, people forget that they were working for a purpose, for a goal they saw as bigger than themselves, and began to work for a paycheck. Don't be that person. Don't follow the bottom dollar, because you will end up at the bottom.

Follow your heart, your dreams, and your passion, because the more work you put into them, the brighter they will burn; the brighter your dreams burn, the more people will want to share your light.

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